coca-cola-polar-bear-funnyAs the Copenhagen Climate talks wind down, I’m not feeling all that hopeful that our world leaders can all agree on some bold meaningful action to reduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere.

I’ve been sitting here in a funk about what the next decade will look like as the climate continues to change in unpredictable ways and as sea levels rise as a result of polar ice melting. The polar bear has become a symbol of wildlife that suffer direct impact of our wasteful ways.

I was not blue for long as one of my friends, foodie blogger Cheryl Sternman Rule, posted a neat list on her blog, 5 Second Rule entitled “Vanish” in which she made a list of foods and edible foodlike substances she wouldn’t mourn if they suddenly left the planet.

That got me thinking about my own list of foods I’d like to see go extinct. My list might take days and would likely get me into an even deeper funk!

With John Lennon’s Imagine playing in my head, I considered what would happen if instead of the polar bear,  just one giant food company were to go extinct. Like some of the banks did last year. Would the world be a better place without this product? I think  you know which one I’m referring to. Imagine all the world living life in peace.